Corruption is paid
by the poor

My Education


Ph.D. Student (Indonesian Government Scholarship for Doctorate Study (LPDP Award))

Main courses and seminars: Microeconomics I & II; Applied Benefit-Cost Analysis; Crime and Punishment Policy; Law & Economics; Recent Issues in Criminology; Qualitative & Quantitative Research Methods; Introduction R for Social Scientist.

Master in Asian Law with the GPA 3.84/4.00 (USAID Educating and Equipping Tomorrows Justice Reformers Scholarship/Awards)

Main courses and seminars: Theories and Tools on Combatting Corruption, Law and Development, Legislative Advocacy Clinic.

Bachelor of Law with the GPA 3.05/4.00 and achieved 5th position in the most outstanding student award in 2010 held by the Dean office.

Main courses and seminars:    Contract Law, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law       


Behavioral Economic in Action (EdX)

Legal Empowerement Leadership Course

Main courses and seminars: Legal Empowerement

Anti-Corruption Academic Expert Workshop

Main courses and seminars: Law Enforcement Strategy in South East Asia and Pacific

Human Rights and Drug Policy Workshop

Main courses and seminars: Global Drug Policy, Drug and Public Health, Law Enforcement Strategy on Drugs

Training for Advocate and I already have passed the bar exam

Main courses and seminars: Trial Advocacy

US & International Anti-Corruption Law Program

Main courses and seminars: UNCAC, Business, Human Rights and Anti-Corruption

Advanced Academic Preparation Skills

Main courses and seminars: Presentation Skill, Writing Academic Paper

Legal Aid Training

Main courses and seminars: Legal Aid for the Poor, Litigation and Advocacy Strategy

Teaching Experience

Teaching criminal procedure law, civil procedure law, and practice in criminal procedure law. Coordinating and teaching anti-corruption clinic class which engage students with anti-corruption research and advocacy. Training and speaking in various seminars in the ministry/agency, national and international non-government organization, and conference.

Visiting Research Experience

Visiting researcher at the Center of Asian Law Studies (CALS)

Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Visit for Training

Research on The Struggle to Decriminalize Possession of Small Quantity of Drug in Indonesia and Lithuania

Work Experience

Coordinating and approaching alumni to support the law school; organizing lecture series of alumni to bridge the gap between theory and practice

  • Managing the organization including set up research agenda, annual budget, and staffs;
  • Representing organization in dealing with CSOs, government institution, and funding agency;
  • Coordinating numerous research and development program supported by several funding agencies (i.e. UNODC, The Asia Foundation, USAID, Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Justice, Open Society Foundation (OSF)/TIFA Foundation, etc.)

Drafting bill regarding preservation of biological evidence; Meeting with stakeholders such as Washington house members, senator, prosecutor, police, lobbyist, defense counsel organization, evidence custodian, scientist at lab crime; Advocating and lobbying the bill in Washington legislative process.

Conducted several researches regarding anti-corruption and judicial reform issues:

    • Prison in Integrated Criminal Justice System;
    • Anti Corruption Court Evaluation;
    • Study of Ideal Prosecutor;
    • Public complaint mechanism at Prosecutor Commission;
    • Public examination of corruption cases’ decision;
    • Survey on Court Transparency (partnership with UNDOC)
    • Assessment of Court Decision Consitency in Case Involving Women (Particularly Those Who Are Poor) and People (Men And Women) With Disabilities (partnership with Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Justice);
    • Corruption at DKI District Court (Partnership with TIFA Foundation);
    • Developing E-Learning Module for Religious Court’s Judges and Officers Regarding Public Service and Public Information (partnership with Supreme Court and Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Justice)
    • Drafting an Academic Draft of Narcotic Bill (partnership with Westminster Foundation for Democracy and Legislation Expert Staff of Indonesian Parliament)
    • Drafting Supreme Court Regulation on Handling Women Cases /Perma No. 3 tahun 2017 (partnership with Supreme Court and Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Justice)
    • Evaluating Joint Regulation Regarding Rehabilitation for Drug Users in the Criminal Justice System (partnership with National Narcotic Body, Rumah Cemara, and ICJR)
    • Developing Module and Learning Materialss for Training/Certification to the Anti-Corruption Judge (partnership with Supreme Court and USAID-CEGAH)
    • Developing Module and Learning Materials for Law Enforcement Training on Rehabilitation to Drug Users (partnership with UNODC and National Narcotic Agency)
    • Reviewing and Redeveloping Anti-corruption Module and Learning Materails (partnership with USAID-CEGAH with PUKAT UGM)
    • Developing framework and tools to measure SDG Goal 16.3: Access to Justice (Partnership with IDLO, National Planning and Development Agency, YLBHI and ILR)
    • Research on budget for prosecuting criminal cases (partnership with Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Justice and Indonesian Prosecutor Commission in 2013; partnership with IDLO and FITRA in 2018-2019)

Advocated several anti-corruption, criminal justice, and judicial reform agendas

    • Narcotics bill;
    • Criminal procedure bill;
    • Criminal code bill;
    • Anti-corruption court bill;
    • Supreme Court and Attorney General Bill.
    • Built strong coalition with other anti-corruption, criminal justice, and human rights NGOs

Built strong coalition with other anti-corruption, criminal justice, and human rights NGOs


“If Corruption is a Disease, transparency is essential part of its treatment"

Kofi annan
